Maple Hot Cocoa

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Price: $17.50 - Weight: 226.0 g - Rating: Not Enough Reviews

Maker Goodnow Farms

Origin Blend

Type Other

Medium Drinking

Style Other

Description This Maple Hot Cocoa is fruit-forward chocolaty-maple goodness. Goonow Farms makes their delicious hot cocoa from the same directly sourced, premium single-origin beans they use to make their chocolate and Severance Maple’s golden, New England maple sugar. They’re one of the only chocolate makers who press their cocoa butter. One of the many benefits of this time-consuming process is that they’re able to make this rich, incredibly flavorful hot cocoa mix from scratch right here in their kitchen. Their cocoa is NOT alkalized. You may need to stir your hot cocoa a bit more vigorously but you’ll taste the unique flavor of the beans, and get the full benefit of cacao’s flavanols! Bottom line… their Maple Hot Cocoa is 100% plant-based, flavorful, unique, and delicious!

Ingredients Ingredients: cacao beans, and maple sugar
