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Maker Spotlight - Fresco
Fresco is a small craft chocolate maker in Lynden, Washington. The founder of Fresco, Rob Anderson, releases several combinations of roasting and conch profiles to create different variation bars from the same beans. Anderson, originally a computer scientist, took a trip to Washington and visited a chocolate shop and took a tour which initially sparked his chocolate interest. Since then, Anderson created his own machines to make small batches of test chocolate. While only using three ingredients for his bars; cacao beans, cane sugar and cacao butter, Fresco’s flavor range is uniquely diverse. He chose the name Fresco meaning fresh in Italian, which could translate into fresh taste, fresh ideas, or a fresh approach to chocolate making.
Explore Our ChocolateA Note from the Dev
This website is very much a work in progress and a labor of love. Over the next couple of weeks (months?) I hope to flush this out and make it a full fledge database for chocolate bars and a central discussion spot for chocolate lovers alike.
If you notice any issues or bugs feel free to shoot me an email, and I'll do my best
to get it resolved quickly. If you thought of an awesome feature that you'd like to see implemented
you can email me that too. Thanks for being here at the beginning and I hope you continue this
journey with us as we make the site awesome!
- CodeMonster Software
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Lastly, if you want to score 10% off your first chocolate order and help the dev out in the process
use this referal link.
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