Orange Clove

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Price: $10.00 - Weight: 72.0 g - Rating: Not Enough Reviews

Maker Madhu Chocolate

Origin Unknown

percentage 65%

Type Dark

Medium Bar

Style Inclusion-Other

Description A classic winter combination, few things make us as nostalgic as oranges studded with cloves. This bar is the result of that nostalgia, and we couldn’t be happier. This 65% chocolate is hand made with whole cloves ground along with the cacao and sugar. We add a little bit of orange oil at the end to add a lovely aroma to the chocolate, and finish off the bar with slices of oranges we dry in house. This bar is spectacular to look at with a taste to match!

Ingredients Cacao, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter, dried orange slices, cloves, orange oil, clove oil
